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‘Faculty Should Be Outraged’

Soka University of America could fire an LGBTQ writing professor over exposing students to “deviant pornography.” The professor and their supporters say Soka’s crossing a dangerous line.

Texas A&M Weighs Sweeping Changes to Library

A plan to restructure Texas A&M’s 10 libraries would force librarians to relinquish tenure or move to another academic department to keep it. The university has yet to explain its rationale for the changes.

New Programs: Veterinary Technology, Data Analytics, Risk Management

Appalachian State University will be starting a bachelor of science in veterinary technology. Savannah State University is starting a bachelor...

Out of Time

Rutgers University graduate assistants whose research was impacted by COVID-19 say they need one more year of funding to finish. Rutgers says the well is drying up.

Ticking Time Bombs and Eternity

Scott McLemee reviews Ron E. Hassner’s Anatomy of Torture.

‘A Problem of Fit’

Author explains his book on “how the complexity of college pricing hurts students and universities.”

Pandemic at the Conference

They came. They saw. They got COVID-19.

Experimenting With Teaching to Improve Student Learning: Part I

Colleges should constantly encourage faculty members to try new approaches and gather data to see if they’re making tangible changes, write Richard J. Light and Allison Jegla.