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A Present of Things Past

Scott McLemee takes an early look at university press books coming this fall.

Are We Taking Gen Ed for Granted?

In light of survey results showing disconnects in general education, colleges can take steps to create more intentional, intelligible programs, Jennifer Hart writes.

A Scholars Program in Freeman Hrabowski’s Name

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is launching a $1.5 billion initiative to enhance diversity in the sciences. The program is named for the longtime UMBC president, who is retiring this year.

Education Surges When Students Learn Together

When a class becomes a community, students change from being passive to active learners, write Neil Garg and Kevin D. Dougherty, who offer suggestions for how to create such an environment.

Princeton Fires Professor for Misconduct

University fires Joshua Katz for misconduct and seems to refute the now-former professor’s prior statements that he’s being punished for his political views.

‘Retract or Attack?’

Two white Africanists publish an article on centering the scholar’s personal experience to help “decolonize” African studies. A call for retraction follows.

Millennial Academe: The New Campus Novel

New academic novels from millennial authors depict a world of demoralized graduate assistants and academics and offer little by way of hope, Jeffrey J. Williams writes.

Fighting Over Money

The University of Alaska system claims negotiations on a collective bargaining agreement have hit an impasse. Faculty argue that negotiations are ongoing and UA may be violating state law.