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An Academic Influences a Killer

The Buffalo shooter drew inspiration from a University of Notre Dame professor, among others. What’s to be done about academic racism and its apparent link to race-based violence?

Diversity Statements Are the New Faith Statements

The diversity statements secular colleges increasingly require of faculty candidates have many similarities to the faith statements long required by religious institutions, Justin P. McBrayer writes.

Tenure: The Black Box

Spring brings news of tenure decisions—not always the good kind. Stories of negative tenure bids at Penn State and Yale raise questions about whether the process is just.

Maine Chancellor Seeks to Rebuild Trust

The University of Maine’s chancellor hid information on a candidate hired as president of the Augusta campus. He accepts responsibility for his mistakes and vows a review of executive hiring policies.

Tracking the Evolution (and Erosion) of Tenure

AAUP finds tenured faculty lines declined dramatically since 2004, but many institutions have updated their tenure policies to account for diversity work and work-life balance.

Experimenting With Teaching to Improve Outcomes: Part II

Richard J. Light describes what happened in a course when he asked the students themselves to lead parts of each class.

Lifelong Learning for a Changing Workforce

State universities must step up to address employer demand for tailored, knowledge-based degrees to help employees meaningfully advance in their careers, Jim Shea writes.

Don’t 'Experiment,' Implement (Evidence-based Teaching Practices)

We already know a lot about what works to improve teaching, and it takes a team.