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High-Impact Practices Work

At a time when some people question the value of higher education, preparing students for successful, satisfying lives through such practices is crucial, argues Richard F. Vaz.

Curriculum Sharing Without Limits

Two Canadian colleges agree to share academic programs with each other at no charge -- to save their government money and speed their ability to offer new offerings to students.

Students, Would You Like Fries With That?

To be treated as a worthless and expendable member of society is, unfortunately, all too common in service-industry jobs, but this culture has now infected college classrooms, argues Liz Mayo.

Confessions of an Interactive Lecturer

In half of a 12-step program, L. Kimberly Epting describes how to create a lecture environment that supports student learning.

New Programs: Fine Arts, Counseling, Robotics, Theater Education, Health Informatics, Management and Technology, Homeland Security, Sustainability, Technical Art History

Augustana University, in South Dakota, is starting a bachelor of fine arts program. Cazenovia College is starting a master's program...

Former Student, Fair Game?

Institutions tend to either ban student-faculty dating altogether or where a supervisory relationship exists. But they don't ever say professors can't date students who were recently -- sometimes very recently -- in their classes.

Our Fail Year

If we want our students to take chances, we faculty members hold the levers that would make such risk taking a risk worth taking, writes Kevin Dettmar.

Teaching Evals: Bias and Tenure

New studies on student evaluations of teaching say a simple intervention can fight gender bias, at least in the short term, and that perceived teaching effectiveness declines after tenure.