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The Future of Gen Ed

General education is under threat, but it's worth the fight. Advocates share war and success stories at Inside Higher Ed event.

Tensions Grow in Australia Over Western Civ Courses

Criticism centers on source of funding and university governance.

New Programs: Computer Science, Special Education, Digital Media, Public Safety Administration, Food Service, Applied Behavior Analysis, Pharmacology

Bethel College is starting an undergraduate major in computer science. Black Hills State University is starting an online master's program...

Ethics for Moral Fundamentalists

Humanities professors are struggling to create a better context for constructive discourse and decision making in our current, often polarized, environment, writes Steven Fesmire.

Of Youth and Bad Behavior

Actions by our students and other young people may anger us, but we should go slowly before rushing to judgment, counsels Rob Weir.

When Grading Less Is More

Professors' reflections on their experiences with 'ungrading' spark renewed interest in the student-centered assessment practice.

A Future for the Humanities

David Steiner and Mark Bauerlein describe how such studies can best succeed and even flourish in the midst of our technocratic age.

Promises Ignored?

Yale has pledged millions for faculty diversity, but 13 professors who teach in its ethnicity, race and migration studies program say they'll walk if they don't get the resources and autonomy they've been promised.