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Searching For Better Research Habits

Teaching students how to do Google-style research might not be as harmful to research habits as the alternative.

Holding Presidents Accountable for Learning

Regents of Georgia university system individually asked 35 campus leaders how they planned to improve retention and graduation rates. The meetings were occasionally uncomfortable; the answers sometimes unsatisfactory.

Shutdown Shot Down

An attempt to discourage social media use at Harrisburg U. runs up against students and faculty determined to get their fix.

Raising the Bar

California's community colleges toughen graduation requirements. Some see changes as overdue; others fear standards are too high.

Wikipedia for Credit

While many professors still distrust the popular encyclopedia, some have joined a new effort in which they will work with students to improve entries.

A Graphic Text

A Texas Tech professor replaces traditional textbooks with a cartoon story -- and finds that students respond.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Georgia Gwinnett has boosted retention by giving its faculty smartphones and encouraging students to call them.

A Major Push on Advising

In an effort to improve its disappointing retention rates, Portland State University will increase its team of academic advisers from...