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Why They Take So Long

Students who take too long to earn bachelor's degrees are the frustration of parents, college leaders and policy makers alike...

The Specialists

Is the “bundled” model of higher education outdated? Some higher-ed futurists think so. Choosing the academic program at a single...

The Human Element

Douglas E. Hersh’s close crop of auburn hair and neatly trimmed goatee are clearly visible in an expandable window on...

Open Courseware in the Liberal Arts

Saint Michael's College thinks persuading its faculty to use free courseware from peer institutions could improve its liberal arts curriculum.

When Writing Class Moves Online

Composition association finds that colleges are just beginning to consider implications of shifting key part of the curriculum away from face-to-face instruction.

Express Lane to a B.A.

A year after politicians and pundits started talking about three-year degrees, more colleges are starting programs or considering them.

Hitting Pause on Class Videos

A trade group goes after UCLA for posting copyrighted videos on course Web sites -- and hints that other colleges might be next.

Plagiarism Prevention Without Fear

New trial suggests that teaching students about integrity issues can be effective, especially with those who may otherwise be the most likely to copy.