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Putting It to Provosts

CHICAGO -- Like many advocacy groups, higher education associations are notoriously self-referential (if not self-reverential). They're quick to promote the...

Languages Plus

Timothy A. Bennett strives toward a new vision for the foreign language department. “You can think of a university as...

The Future of Advanced Placement

WASHINGTON -- The future of Advanced Placement is changing, and the College Board is taking steps to ensure that AP...

For One, for All

ORLANDO — When advocates for students with disabilities asked Stephen Rehberg, an associate academic professional at Georgia Tech’s Center of...

Animal Studies Beyond Biology

In his first year as an assistant professor in the University of Iowa’s archaeology department, Matthew E. Hill made a...

Avatars to Teach the Teachers

Monique, the eager-to-please girl with the chirpy alto, is raising her hand again. But I’m more interested in drawing Maria...

The Retention Guru

Two decades ago, Xavier University could only count on three of every four freshmen returning for sophomore year. Even fewer...

Seed of Doubt

Is online education as good as traditional, face-to-face education? It is a loaded question. Online programs comprise the fastest-growing segment...