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No Grading, More Learning

When Duke University's Cathy Davidson announced her grading plan for a seminar she would be offering this semester, she attracted...

Science for Non-Scientists

For close to three decades, freshman year at Bard College has begun in early August with three weeks of intensive...

Left Out of Gen Ed

When colleges and universities revamp curricular requirements, disciplines can become winners or losers. Those fields that are required (or that...

A Strategic Leap Online

Middlebury College has been known for years for immersion-based language instruction and liberal arts education. So when the college announced...

Why They Take So Long

Students who take too long to earn bachelor's degrees are the frustration of parents, college leaders and policy makers alike...

The Specialists

Is the “bundled” model of higher education outdated? Some higher-ed futurists think so. Choosing the academic program at a single...

The Human Element

Douglas E. Hersh’s close crop of auburn hair and neatly trimmed goatee are clearly visible in an expandable window on...

Open Courseware in the Liberal Arts

Saint Michael's College thinks persuading its faculty to use free courseware from peer institutions could improve its liberal arts curriculum.