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Day of Protest

Large-scale walkouts were few during National Adjunct Walkout Day, but dozens of campuses saw protests. Organizers say events brought new attention to poor wages and working conditions for those off the tenure track.

Faculty SOS

Report seeks a broad rethinking of the structure of professors' jobs, with a strong emphasis on academic freedom and equitable treatment, but an openness to radical change.

'Where Are They Now?'

New MLA analysis sheds light on the much-bemoaned job market for humanities Ph.D.s.

Closed Networks

New study shows how a relatively small number of Ph.D. programs dominate hiring for the best faculty positions.

15K Per Course?

It's widely acknowledged that adjunct instructors are underpaid, but just how much do they deserve? A new union proposal shocks some, but others say it's appropriate.

Follow the Money

A Berkeley analysis of disparities by race and gender in faculty salaries raises key questions: Which gaps matter? Why do gaps vary? What can be done to eliminate them?

Going After the Donors

Steven Salaita's long-anticipated lawsuit against the U. of Illinois includes a twist: in addition to administrators, he's suing the donors he says interfered in his job at the university.

Adjunct Insecurity

How a small group of temporary employees got the U. of Memphis to walk back a plan to kick them off Social Security.