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Preventing Ethnic Fraud

Should anyone police whether professors have the racial or ethnic background they claim? Native American studies group calls for more accountability in the wake of several disputes.

Developing Adjuncts

Non-tenure-track faculty members say they want more convenient, compensated professional development.

Good Neighbors or Conspirators?

Some say it's bad form for colleges to actively recruit faculty members from neighbor institutions. Antitrust lawsuit alleges that agreement between Duke and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill essentially barred Duke from hiring UNC faculty.

'The Professor Is In'

Author discusses her new book on career advice for grad students and junior faculty members.


One might assume a full-time faculty member at an elite institution would have his or her medical needs, and those of family members, covered. A Twitter campaign suggests that's not always the case.

Going Off List

Should faculty members be concerned if administrators check references who were not supplied by job candidates?

'Simple and Seamless' or 'Significant Obstacle'?

A coalition of academic, library and technology associations criticizes Elsevier's new sharing and hosting policy, saying it undermines open-access initiatives.

Cluster Hiring and Diversity

Hiring faculty around interdisciplinary themes appears to have a positive impact on diversity and scholarship, report finds.