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No Country for Old Adjuncts

Several legal challenges suggest a key challenge for long-term adjuncts seeking jobs on the tenure track is age discrimination.

Officially Out of a Job

Steven Salaita will not work at the U. of Illinois, trustees confirm Thursday. But they commit to doing the "right thing," possibly in a settlement.

Salaita Speaks Out

In his first public remarks since losing his job offer, controversial scholar says he still wants to teach at U. of Illinois.

Benefits Options for Adjuncts

AFT and Freelancers Union announce plan to give those off the tenure track the ability to buy insurance through groups, rather than individually.

The Power of Grad Students

Even in challenging times for higher education, unions representing teaching assistants are achieving important victories that help many others in academe, writes Asad Haider.

Are the Stars Sexist?

Elite male biologists are less likely than other male biology researchers to hire female grad students and postdocs for their labs, study finds.

Not Interested in Koch Money

Brooklyn College professor accuses administrators, allegedly afraid of controversy involving the foundation of the brothers who bankroll many conservative politicians, of passing on a chance at millions.

Holding Off on Gay Faculty

Pressure grows at Mennonite institutions to end ban on hiring non-straight professors. Eastern Mennonite U., which many hoped was about to shift, declines to do so. But it leaves in place suspension of policy.