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A Big Publisher Embraces OER

Cengage will offer open educational resources, curated and adapted to include proprietary assessment tools, from $25 per student for general education courses.

A Dangerous Withdrawal

“The Case for Colonialism” has been revoked -- not over claims of shoddy scholarship or publication irregularities but rather threats to the journal editor. Some call it a disturbing precedent that could make academics less safe.


Bentley University president discusses her new book on preparing students for success.

‘Inheriting Possibility’ Offers Critique of Standardized Testing

Author discusses new book in which he takes a long-term and philosophical look at what he sees as the flaws in the way society evaluates talent.

Freud's Furniture

Nathan Kravis’s On the Couch: A Repressed History of the Analytic Couch From Plato to Freud examines why that piece of furniture ever entered the analytic tradition and how its efficacy and centrality have now come under scrutiny, writes Scott McLemee.

‘Colonialism’ Article Flap Highlights Push for Transparency in Publishing

Just because the author of a controversial article on colonialism wants it stricken from the scholarly record doesn’t mean it’s going anywhere. Critics see clickbait corrupting scholarship.

Resignations at ‘Third World Quarterly’

Much of the journal’s editorial board resigns, saying that a controversial article arguing in favor of colonialism failed to pass peer review but was published anyway -- and that the journal’s editor then misrepresented the process.

Global Threat Assessment

Debora Diniz’s historical and ethnographic study Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat illuminates the emergence of the disease and how global health organizations have dealt -- and not dealt -- with it, writes Scott McLemee.