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The Social Edition

A group of digital humanists foresees a new phase of scholarly e-publishing. Scott McLemee gets a peek into their crystal ball.

Posthumous Publishing

A University of North Florida chemist honors the influence of his Ph.D. adviser, who died 17 years ago, by listing him as a co-author on a recent paper.

Hyperspace is the Place

It's the music that makes the universe dance: Scott McLemee reads The Best Writing in Mathematics 2012.

Interpreting Turmoil

A prominent social theorist gathers his thoughts on the past few years of upheaval. Scott McLemee risks an opinion.

A New (Kind of) Scholarly Press

Amherst College starts publishing unit that will feature peer review and close editing -- while also making all books digital and free.

'Becoming Right'

New research suggests that campus environment greatly impacts conservative students' political styles, and that they can thrive on predominantly liberal campuses.

Free, Unless You Want to Pay

OpenStax College, an open-access textbook publisher, introduces its first offering through iTunes -- and hopes the $4.99 charge will allow students to benefit from extras and the business model to grow.

Fixing Law Review Critics

Rebutting a recent essay, Brian Farkas argues that student-run law reviews -- while imperfect -- have much to contribute to legal scholarship and the law.