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Pearson's Open Book

Publishing giant unveils search engine for open educational resources -- and its own content.

'Occupying the Academy'

Editors discuss new book on diversity work within higher education.

Measured Innovation in Peer Review

Two online publishing ventures seek to reform peer review without blowing it wide open.

Jacques Barzun: Anti-Educationist?

Was a legendary humanist and professor opposed to higher ed? Scott McLemee looks at the record.

'No Longer Invisible'

A new book argues that colleges can find revitalization by paying more attention to religion on campus.

Going Meta on the Data

You leave digital footprints when you do research. Scott McLemee listens to the librarians who follow them.

The Nobel Satirist

The most famous literary award in the world finally catches up with Chinese literature. Scott McLemee discusses Mo Yan.

'Academic Motherhood'

Authors discuss new book about how women in academe balance their work and family responsibilities.