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Before the E-text

Old-fashioned books take up a lot of space -- both on our shelves and in our heads. Scott McLemee grapples with a new volume on reading.

Free Comes with a Price Tag

Aaron Swartz was wrong about the law and the economics of journals, writes Rob Weir.

Academe Is Complicit

In the wake of Aaron Swartz's death, Timothy Burke asks why so many scholars have failed to consider the ethical arguments for open access -- or to act on them.

Reacting to Aaron Swartz's Suicide

In academe, many advocates for open access mourn loss of a leading thinker and activist for the movement. Many also criticize MIT, which says it will study its role in his legal struggles.

Better Than We Think

Research from University of Washington shows professors to be self-critical about and constantly struggling to improve their teaching.

Dog Days

Did Bo help get the president re-elected? Scott McLemee looks into the burgeoning literature on canine politics.

Journal Archive Opens Up (Some)

After a successful pilot, JSTOR is launching its Register & Read program, which lets anyone read up to three articles from 1,200 of its journals every two weeks in exchange for demographic information.

'Against Fairness'

Philosopher discusses new book on why favoritism is better than fairness.