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Policing Sexuality

A recently discovered letter and a new book reveal a dark side of American law enforcement. Scott McLemee investigates.

'More Complicated Than That'

A new book by a British scientist tackles science and medicine in a muckraking spirit. Scott McLemee thinks Americans need it ASAP.

'How to Be an Intellectual'

Author of new essay collection discusses the intellectual's role in the era of the "post-welfare state university."

'Class Not Dismissed'

Longtime professor Anthony Aveni talks about liberal arts, higher education and what he learned in 50 years of teaching.

Pressed for Time

Our devices grow ever more efficient, yet our lives only more harried. Scott McLemee reviews a book on the paradox of digital temporality.

Open, but Undiscovered

Faculty members are generally satisfied with quality of open educational resources, according to a new report, even though most instructors still aren't aware of OER.

Is BDS Anti-Semitic?

In the new book The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel, a key theme is the relationship between anti-Semitism and the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

Tintinnabulation, Nevermore!

He's a canonical figure in American literature, but Edgar Allan Poe's verse has always had its detractors. Scott McLemee considers a quaint and curious volume in his defense.