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'Locus of Authority'

New book from William Bowen and Eugene Tobin argues for more effective, nimble and collaborative approach to institutional decision-making, saying new models of shared governance are needed. Some of the authors' suggestions are sure to be controversial.

Online, Size Doesn't Matter

Adding students to sections has no impact on outcomes, according to a large national study.

Green-Eyed Monster

A new book on jealousy has Scott McLemee taking a backward look.

'The History of American Higher Education'

Author discusses his new book on the evolution of colleges and universities in the United States.

Younger Than That Now

A new book reflects on generation gaps and how they get that way. Scott McLemee takes a look.

'Faculty Fathers'

New book seeks to shine light on the challenges dads face while trying to balance their home and work lives.

Gates Goes Open

New grant recipients of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will be required to make their research and data open to the public.

The Use of Fair Use

At a U.S. House hearing, representatives for publishers and colleges argue over whether federal government should get involved in determining how institutions can use copyrighted works.