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'Lighting Up'

Smoking is cool, sophisticated, sexy and enjoyable. Plus, it can kill you. Scott McLemee looks at a study of how students try to split the difference.

'Paying It Forward' Publishing

U. of California Press builds a new open-access publishing model around paying reviewers and subsidizing research from disciplines with less grant funding.

'The Creativity Crisis'

Author discusses new book on the flaws in American science -- and the ways that government agencies and universities support it.

Cautions on E-books

Daniel Goldstein warns that some of the contracts colleges are accepting may limit access in key ways.

'Finding Common Cause'

New book argues that benefits of fostering better relationships between academics and policy makers in international affairs are underestimated.

Are We Charlie?

Terrorist attacks in Paris have resurrected a free speech battle between a scholar and Yale U. Press, which removed cartoons about Muhammad from her book.

From Lulz to Lawmaking

Some online political discussions lead to offline mobilizations and others don't. Scott McLemee looks at a sociological study of the difference that anonymity makes.

Dutch Open Access Fight

Universities "unbending" on fee-free demand as talks with Elsevier resume.