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Censoring Art and History

Kennesaw State U. orders museum to kill installation dealing with land -- donated to the university -- that was homestead of woman who was an apologist for lynching.

How a Talk Got Aborted

Brown U. releases report on the disrupted appearance by Ray Kelly, detailing numerous unsuccessful efforts to win over protesters.

Protecting Academic Freedom

Federal appeals court issues strong statements about the importance of protecting speech by faculty members in public higher education.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Against Boycotts and More

New petition seeks to organize academics who oppose boycotts and outside attacks (whether from supporters or critics of Israel) on the tenure candidacies of faculty members.

Is Citing History a Threat?

Colorado State-Pueblo professor who is outspoken critic of budget cuts sent out an email comparing them to a century-old massacre. Hours later, university took away his campus account. UPDATE: University president cites Virginia Tech and Columbine.

Another Approach

The Middle East Studies Association isn't backing a boycott, and while it regularly raises concerns about academic freedom in Israel, it also draws attention to issues throughout the region and the United States.

Protecting Faculty Records

Following recent open records requests targeting controversial professors at other institutions, UCLA releases statement to protect the privacy of scholarly communications.

Losing Tenure for Being Difficult?

Academic freedom watchdogs paid little attention to Louis Wozniak's case at U. of Illinois because it appeared he had due process. But was he treated fairly?