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Fired Over a Beer Can?

Popular professor says he was fired by Charleston Southern U. over appearance of his image -- famous for his mustache and beard -- on a beer can used to raise money for women with ovarian cancer.

Transparency vs. Censorship

FOIA requests regarding (another) U. of Virginia professor's research raise questions about email privacy and academic freedom yet again. And this time, the professor happens to be married to the university's president.

No Spines

Controversial speakers and colleges leaders, not just those protesting, need to change their attitudes, writes Philip Altbach.

Must Deans Be Silent?

Firing of a dean sets off debate over whether academic leaders must always publicly back the positions of their presidents.

The Substitutes Speak Out

Stepping into the breach for college commencement speakers sidelined by protests, retired university leaders defend importance of debate -- and one calls protesters "immature" and "arrogant."

Balancing Act

New York University needs to both protect its students online and promote academic freedom, but can single institution-wide policy do the trick? Some professors don't like the ideas on the table.

Shouted Down at Portland State

A planned forum on police issues could not take place because one panelist was accused by audience members of spreading doubt about victims of sexual violence.

Professor With a Past

Should a history that includes membership in the Symbionese Liberation Army and jail time disqualify one from keeping an adjunct job? Even if the instructor was open about it and received rave teaching reviews?