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Backing the Israel Boycott

American Studies Association members vote by a two-to-one margin to endorse the boycott of Israeli universities.

Caught in the Crossfire

AAUP finds that professor was denied tenure for his role in a conflict between linguistics and TESL faculty, which helped prompt a faculty vote of no confidence in Northeastern Illinois U.'s president and provost.

Too Risky for Boulder?

Students and alumni rally around tenured professor who says she is being forced out because her lecture about prostitution (in a course on deviance) might make some people uncomfortable.

Roll Call

Should faculty be forced to check in every day by fingerprint? Chicago community college faculty members object to that possibility.

Against Academic Boycotts

Faculty members should not be fooled into thinking that cutting ties to Israeli universities will help the Palestinian cause or academic freedom, writes Henry Reichman.

Whole New World

The AAUP updates its standards on academic freedom and electronic communications for the first time in a decade, showing just how much the ed-tech world has changed.

American Studies and Israel

Proposal to boycott Israeli universities leads to intense debate at scholarly meeting.

Open Access and Academic Freedom

Just because an idea is worthy doesn't mean faculty members should be forced into it, writes Cary Nelson.