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Too Small a Box?

At Bryan College, whose name honors a famous foe of teaching evolution, faculty and students object to being required to assert the historicity of Adam and Eve.

Court Shields Scholar's Emails

Virginia's Supreme Court says U. of Virginia was within its rights under state law not to release emails of climate change researcher.

Fears of Litigation vs. Faculty Rights

New AAUP report accuses U. of Colorado-Boulder administrators of violating academic freedom in their reaction to a sexism investigation of philosophy department this year.

Trigger Unhappy

Facing widespread faculty opposition, Oberlin drops policy requiring warnings about material that may be upsetting to students. Do students need such cautions?

Humor That Dare Not Speak Its Name

U. of South Carolina Upstate -- facing legislative anger over planned performance by lesbian humorist -- calls off event.

Discharged for Dishing It Out

A former University of Tennessee staffer takes the institution to court over online comments about a dirty microwave oven.

No Bullies Allowed

Board chair at George Washington U. says shared governance policy review shed light on faculty "bullying" of those off the tenure track. But not everyone agrees with his analysis or solutions.

Retaliation Claim Vindicated

Federal jury backs conservative academic who says he was denied promotion to full professor because of his political views.