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Into the Lawyers' Den

U.S. civil rights official seeks to reassure college lawyers that the agency has not altered its sexual harassment standards through recent settlements.

Judged by Unfair Standards?

Leading professors in Middle Eastern studies are stunned by Georgetown scholar's tenure denial. Some blame Middle Eastern politics and others blame the politics of political science.

Tenure's Fourth Rail

Collegiality is a sticky subject when it comes to personnel decisions. But some argue that a well-defined notion of collegiality could make for better department dynamics in the long run.

Ed Tech Accessibility

Disability rights advocates and publishers want Congress to help create a national standard to make sure disabled students are not left behind by inaccessible higher ed technologies.

Mind the Gap

Lumina Foundation sets 10 new degree attainment goals for 2016 while decrying growing racial and ethnic gaps.

Expelled for Sexuality, and Sent a Bill

A student expelled for having a lesbian relationship and ordered to repay $6,000 in scholarship money is fighting back.

Adjunct Win at Religious College

NLRB official, rejecting stance of Pacific Lutheran U., says non-tenure-track faculty members have right to vote on collective bargaining.

Nominee for Civil Rights

Beginning to fill a long list of Education Department vacancies, Catherine Lhamon, a California lawyer, is picked as assistant secretary for civil rights.