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You Can't Say That

Appeals court finds Slippery Rock U. was within its rights to dismiss a tenured professor for sex discussions with students on a spring break trip he led.

Unprofessional Tenure Denial?

American U. says it has track for those with non-academic careers who want to join the faculty. A suit charges that the university only values traditional academic credentials.

The Deceptive Data on Asians

Report urges colleges and other education groups to disaggregate the numbers about Asian-American students, and says current practices to aggregate data hide inequities.

The Mom Penalty

A decadelong research initiative out of the University of California at Berkeley culminates in a detailed look at the effects of children on men's and women's academic careers.

Postdoc Pay: A Women's Issue

If universities want to retain more female academic scientists, it's time to increase postdoc salaries, writes Jennifer Bussell.

Fat-Shaming in Academe

Professor sets off furor with comment on Twitter about obese Ph.D. applicants.

Waiting to See Punishment

After learning that a faculty member at San Jose State was found by the university to have inappropriately touched a student, many want to know why he's still teaching.

Quest for 'Genius Babies'?

Jason Richwine quit Heritage Foundation amid controversy over his Harvard dissertation on race and IQ. Critics are now raising questions about work by a Michigan State physicist and vice president.