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That Wasn't Research

Review board at University of New Mexico finds no evidence to back tenured professor's claim that his fat-shaming tweet was research.

Shift in Fight on Partner Benefits

Federal judge's ruling involving community college professor suggests new legal strategy for same-sex couples who work in public higher ed in states that ban gay marriage.

A Statement for Diversity

In wake of Supreme Court ruling, 37 college groups issue declaration on educational value of having a diverse student body.

The President's Many Roles

Boxer, minister, police officer, psychologist, Nobel laureate: K. Johnson Bowles considers the traits and expectations campuses hold for their leaders.

The 20% Experiment

Georgia State will test idea that assuring a set percentage of slots on the syllabus for female philosophers will attract more female students to the discipline.

No Kids Allowed

Just as U.S. Education Department tells colleges to better support pregnant and parenting students, a sophomore says she was turned away from an exam for bringing her baby. Whether the new U.S. guidance applies is unclear.

Looking for Bias

University of Colorado board votes to survey state of political diversity, with focus on Boulder campus. Will the responses help anyone?

The Legal Future of Affirmative Action

Rod Smolla sees signs of new limits ahead -- both in this week's decision and in the justices' statements during oral arguments.