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Gender Stereotypes in STEM

Research suggests link between ethnicity, gender stereotypes and interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Admit Women or Else

Fraternities at Wesleyan University now have three years to become coeducational or they'll be kicked off campus.

The Anti-Academic’s Anti-Academic

Charles Green looks at the writing of Rebecca Schuman and finds generalizations and stereotypes perfect for those who want to bash academe, rather than understand and improve it.

Shrinking Numbers, Changing Values

Under a chancellor who says he cares more about rankings than did his predecessor, Syracuse U. scales back involvement with well-regarded program for recruiting low-income and minority students -- and those students take note.

Higher Ed Needs TEACH Act

Students, colleges and publishers will all benefit from legislation that higher education lobbying groups are opposing, write Bea Awoniyi and Stephan J. Smith.

Taking Male Students Seriously

As too many male students fail to enroll or succeed in higher education, writes Rocco L. Capraro, the ideas of men's studies point to a path forward.

Good Intentions, Bad Legislation

When it comes to innovation, the TEACH Act will hurt students, write Terry W. Hartle and Jarret S. Cummings.

Ohio State and Title IX

Education Department praises university for its response to band allegations, even as defenders of band director step up their fight.