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Attacking the Opportunity Gap

With scrutiny of affirmative action rising, colleges and governments need fresh approaches to helping low-income and minority students attain a higher education, write David Bergeron and Scott Greytak.

Diversity in Political Science

Professors at discipline's annual meeting consider how they hire faculty members.

Cottage Industry on Preventing Sexual Assault

Since the federal government began applying more scrutiny to campus handling of sexual assault, more administrators and students are turning to for-profit consulting firms, prevention programs, and safety products for help.

Heavy-Handed or Spot On?

As U. of Colorado at Boulder acts against two philosophers, critics say university officials are sacrificing faculty rights in an attempt to appear tough on sexual harassment.

Ferguson's College Refuge

The community college that serves students not unlike Michael Brown is a local hub important enough that Attorney General Holder made the campus his first stop. Local students see the college as a way out.

If You Are Gay

A gay faculty member writes about what it's like to be teaching at a Christian college at a time that many such institutions are seeking exemptions from anti-bias laws.

Productivity or Sexism?

Study raises questions about why women are less likely than men to earn tenure at research universities. Hint: It's not research output.

The Opposite of Helicopter Parents

Professors complain about hovering moms and dads, but many educators find that this isn't an issue for first-generation students, who need more parental involvement.