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Texas' Missing Hispanic Students

A new study suggests that giving public research university boards in Texas the power to set tuition helped raise prices and suppress Hispanic enrollment.

'Civil' Wars

Just because civility may not be an appropriate reason to hire, tenure or fire academics doesn't mean it shouldn't matter in higher education, writes Judith Shapiro.

Interviewing Gay Candidates

Karen M. Whitney and Jon Derek Croteau offer guideposts for interacting with candidates and finding the best talent for key academic positions.

Men Need Not Apply

Swiss university advertises a faculty opening and invites only women to apply. Is such a move legal? Justified?

Trans Applicants Welcome

Mount Holyoke College adopts formal policy to admit students who are female or who identify as women.

Duke Asks the Question

University adds optional application essay on sexual orientation and gender identity.
A photo illustration of the Israeli and Palestinian flags, with a rather grimy filter.

Is the Boycott Movement Anti-Semitic?

Not all BDS supporters are bigots, but the movement should reflect on its ties to groups and ideas that promote hatred of Jews, writes Cary Nelson.

The Meaning of Pink

While it remains a beloved bit of visual smack-talk for many football fans, some students and faculty say the University of Iowa's pink visitors' locker room is sexist and discriminatory.