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Where Are the Veteran Students, 2015?

Wick Sloane's annual Veterans Day survey of highly ranked private colleges shows signs of progress amid the usual (major) disappointments.

Activists Oust Two Leaders

Amid escalating tensions, students protesting what they see as a culture of racism at the University of Missouri successfully oust the system's president and the flagship's chancellor.

Who's in First (Generation)?

Research finds varying definitions of "first generation" result in big differences in how these students are counted -- but however they are defined, they lag behind their peers.

Racial Tensions Escalate

At Missouri, football players will boycott games and hunger striker vows to fast until system president quits; at Yale, protests grow over letter questioning focus on offensive Halloween costumes.

Lessons From Halloween

Debates about racist Halloween costumes remind us that a university should teach students how to reflect on significant societal issues, writes Elizabeth H. Simmons.

Requiring Diverse Pools

U of Texas System will mandate that searches for all administrator positions -- from deans on up -- include a female or minority candidate in the final interview round.

Another Harasser Resigns

In an unexpected move, a Northwestern professor found guilty of sexual harassment resigns during his termination hearing.

'The Right Thing to Do'

The disability studies scholars behind guidelines on accessibility in publishing gain their first endorsement from a university press.