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Defending Affirmative Action

Dozens of higher education groups urge Supreme Court to continue to allow colleges to consider race in admissions. Arguments focus on institutional autonomy.

Racial Tensions Erupt at Ithaca

College administration criticized for its response to racially charged incidents.

SAT's Racial Impact

Study finds that for applicants to U of California, race and ethnicity now influence scores more than family income and parental education levels. Could findings change debate over affirmative action?

Substance Over Buzz

Graduate students' analysis of interdisciplinary jobs ads suggest that many jobs aren't truly interdisciplinary, but those that are tend to be linked to dedicated centers or clusters.

Going Through the Motions? The 2015 Survey of Faculty Workplace Engagement

Employee engagement: it’s an important metric that can gauge how loyal and intrinsically interested people are in their work. So...

Enough Time for Justice

In wake of scandal, U of California will re-examine deadline for taking disciplinary actions against faculty members found guilty of harassment, pointing to larger debate over statute-of-limitation-like policies in such cases.

Putting Harassers on Notice

When Berkeley didn't fire an astronomer it found to have mistreated female students for years, his colleagues took steps to force him out.

Inflexible Partners and Women's Careers

Female academics are frequently blocked from international work, and the problem isn't children, study finds.