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History With Relevance

Community college leaders journey through Mississippi and Alabama in hopes of learning how the civil rights movement will help them solve today's problems.

From the Beach Boys to the Blues

University of Kentucky professor says he was found guilty of sexual harassment for singing "California Girls" at a Chinese educational event, but the institution says the charges against him are more serious.

An Unhealthy Bubble

We in higher education need to provide a diverse and inclusive environment that challenges people to stop surrounding themselves only with others whose views match their own, writes David P. Haney.

Separate and Unequal

Why do our most progressive institutions have lousy race relations? Because diversity policies have often walled off minorities from the centers of university life, argues Robert Maranto.

A Lack of Yakking

Students appear to have moved on from Yik Yak, once a prime app for anonymous gossip and racist comments -- a relief for administrators struggling to curb online bullying.

Making a Point by Moving Shakespeare's Portrait

Students at Penn set off debate by replacing image of the Bard in English department building with a photo of Audre Lorde, the black feminist poet.

A Radical Dialogue

After getting the election wrong, academics are now at a crossroads, writes Elaine Howard Ecklund, and the way forward is to pursue something we don’t hear often on university campuses.

Who's Intolerant?

Reed College engages in soul-searching over students’ shouting during lecture by director of Boys Don't Cry, arguing that the acclaimed film should have featured transgender actors.