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Black Learning Matters

We in higher education talk a lot about access, but we rarely include in that discussion access for all students to a rich and genuinely diverse curriculum, argues W. Robert Connor.

A Tale of Two Crises

Are dwindling support for the humanities and a lack of diversity in higher education two separate issues, asks Christine Henseler, or are they, in fact, closely intertwined?

Dialing Back the Rhetoric

Mike Spivey describes his experience serving as the conservative on his college’s postelection panel.

Reaching ‘New Majority’ Students

New book explores different classroom strategies for teaching first-generation, underrepresented students.

The High School Graduate Plateau

High school graduates are projected to come from increasingly diverse backgrounds, even as overall levels plateau -- posing a challenge for colleges and universities.

Inclusivity Means Opinions Count

We in higher education must embrace a new era in which people feel their opinions truly matter, argues Brandon Busteed.

Free Speech, Both Ways

West Virginia University defends right of Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos to speak, but also right of students and faculty members to answer back when he attacked a professor who advocates for gay and minority students.

Questioning 'Identity Liberalism'

Is “identity liberalism,” widespread on college campuses, to blame for Donald Trump’s rise? Scholars are divided.