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Compassion Is No Substitute for Competence

Higher education institutions are woefully unprepared to handle the complexity of rape cases, argues Ted Gup.

New Center on Race and Equity

The University of Southern California will bring the University of Pennsylvania's Shaun Harper to campus, as well as several of Penn's initiatives, with big plans for a nationwide campus climate survey.

The Price Women Pay for Co-Authorship

Study of economics faculty members finds that men get credit where women do not.

Addressing Racist Microaggressions

Many colleges and universities pride themselves on their commitment to diversity, yet that commitment often seems to be superficial, writes Macy Wilson.

False Inquiries

Duke warns professors about emails from someone claiming to be a student, seeking information about their courses -- many in fields criticized by some on the right. Some Michigan and Denver faculty members have received similar emails but from different source.

Oregon: Professor in Blackface Violated Anti-Harassment Policy

University releases report on actions of law professor that stunned campus and prompted calls for her dismissal. Professor -- and others -- object to findings.

Should Colleges March in Trump Inaugural?

Marist, Olivet Nazarene and Talladega all face criticism for sending their bands.

Teaching Gender Studies to Straight Men

Most gender and women’s studies programs preach to the converted and lack courses that would appeal to men -- or, for that matter, women who don’t have particular political leanings, argues Hallie Lieberman.