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'Do Not Step Away'

With uncertainty about how the Trump administration and the new Congress will tackle sexual violence on campuses, college leaders urge institutions to keep up sexual assault prevention efforts.

Creating Affordable Pathways

The University of Kentucky, as the state’s flagship institution, has a moral responsibility to provide access to students of limited means, write Eli Capilouto and Tim Tracy, and thus is radically shifting the ratio of merit to need-based aid to do so.

Doubts on Diversifying the Facultly

Provosts of American colleges and universities aren't sure their institutions will meet their goals for diversifying the faculty.

‘Trans* in College’

Author discusses new book about a part of the student population pushing for more support -- and facing a backlash in some states.

Shooting Outside Campus Talk

Violence at University of Washington appearance by Milo Yiannopoulos followed protests that prevented a speech at UC Davis -- as tensions grow over Breitbart writer known for insults against feminists, minority groups and others.

Beginning of a Movement

Tens of thousands of students and academics join Women’s March on Washington.

White Is the Word

Arizona lawmakers' failed proposed ban on “divisive” college courses signals new criticism of white studies. Similar courses -- though common -- have become controversial elsewhere. Those who teach them say the classes are being distorted.

Walking Papers at Morehouse

Students protest process and experts decry high turnover at HBCUs as trustees decide not to renew contract of president.