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Women in Leadership Searches

Female candidates tend to do better as recruitment processes progress, a study finds.

Q: Who Shouldn't Dress Up as Black Gang Members?

A: White religion professors, as Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary has learned.

Graduation Rates and Race

On average, white and Asian students earn a college-level credential at a rate about 20 percentage points higher than Hispanic and black students do, a new report shows.

What Comes After Whittier Shutdown?

Plans to close law school spark questions about future shutdowns and worries about impact on student access.

Past as Prologue

Controversy over Alice Goffman's book lives on, with students at Pomona saying the sociologist's alleged racial insensitivities should disqualify her from a visiting professorship there.

Harvard Sees Gains in Faculty Diversity

Percentage of tenured faculty members who are white men dropped from 69.0 to 60.8 percent in last decade.

Aftermath of a Professor's Suicide

A death this week leads to renewed discussions about academics and mental health.

‘Publishing While Female’

Female economists write papers that are more readable than those produced by their male counterparts but take significantly longer to get published, study finds.