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Another HBCU Commencement Debate

Texas Southern withdraws invitation to Senator John Cornyn, as students and faculty members ask why black colleges invite politicians with records they think go against their interests.

Linking Evaluations to Equity Contributions

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire policy will require all faculty and staff members to work toward equity, diversity and inclusion, for consideration in their evaluations. It's controversial, but proponents say it's an efficient way to put values into action.

The Costs of a Calling

The Duke Divinity email fracas shows the peril of academics viewing their work as a vocation and not a job, argues Jonathan Malesic.

Furor Over Philosopher's Comments on Violence Against White People

Texas A&M president calls remarks “disturbing." Many colleagues say his quotes have been distorted and that his work in critical race theory and his academic freedom deserve support.

Overture to HBCUs Rejected

First commencement address no cake walk for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos as Bethune-Cookman students jeer and turn their backs on her remarks.

Divinity, Diversity and Division

Professor calls diversity training workshop to which colleagues were invited a “waste,” setting off debate about inclusiveness and civility.

A Trump Flip-Flop on Black Colleges

On Friday, he suggests aid program for black colleges may be unconstitutional. On Sunday, he says his support for the institutions is “unwavering.”

How Far Is Too Far in Admissions Marketing?

Experts consider how colleges can differentiate themselves from their competitors -- without trash-talking.