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Is Change Ahead for Title IX?

Michael T. Raupp explores whether a recent court of appeals decision on sexual orientation discrimination will result in new interpretations.

White Nationalist Defies Auburn

University barred Richard Spencer from appearing, and he said he would come anyway. With court backing, he spoke and was challenged by some in the audience and many protesting outside.

Access Denied

A group of scholars object to a decision by the University of California, Berkeley, to remove many video and audio lectures from public view as a result of a Justice Department accessibility order.

The Wrong Reviewer

Leading history journal apologizes for assigning review of book on inequality and urban education issues to a professor viewed by many as a white supremacist.

Ground to a Halt

Harvey Mudd College canceled classes for two days after sit-in and protests over issues of race, workload and a leaked report in which faculty appeared to be insulting students.

Court: Deep Springs Can Admit Women

An unusually small and rigorous college has been trying to become coeducational since 2011. A California appeals court might make that possible.

California Dreamers -- and Their Nightmares

For many undocumented immigrant students at California State University, Fullerton, it's been a tough semester.

Petitions and the Power of Poetry

A petition at Yale University signifies that now is the time for English departments to teach new kinds of poetry -- and to teach the old kinds in new ways, writes Eric Weiskott.