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Another Win for an Accused Student

A federal appeals court rules that a Purdue University student who allegedly sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend might have faced biased proceedings, including not being provided evidence against him.

White Supremacy Activity Spreads on Campuses

White nationalists, mostly non-students, continue to post propaganda on college campuses, despite efforts by colleges to stop them.

Constitutional Due Process at Private Institutions?

A new federal court order may have significant implications for adjudicating campus rape cases.

What Would Change With Test-Only Admissions?

New analysis finds that if top colleges considered only SAT or ACT scores, student bodies would become more wealthy and more white. Data challenge some stereotypes about black and Latino students.

Navigating Gender Identity and Expression During a Job Search

A job search is anxiety-producing enough without also having to deal with such issues, writes Lauren Easterling, who offers some insights and advice.

The Next Lawsuits to Hit Higher Education

It is simply a matter of time before a class-action one is filed against an institution for knowingly using biased instruments in evaluating its faculty, argues Ann Owen.

The Legacies of Lillian Gish

Bowling Green removed her name from campus theater due to her part in Birth of a Nation. A who's who of film -- James Earl Jones, Helen Mirren, Martin Scorsese, among others -- want the name restored.

The Quote That Dare Not Speak Its Name

University of Central Arkansas library celebrated Pride month with sign featuring quote by Lady Gaga. President ordered quote removed. His explanation angered many on campus.