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Talking Consent

In their upcoming book, two professors discuss federal laws and institutional policy around consent, and what colleges get wrong.

The Trans Divide

The disagreement over scholarly debate about gender identity rages on.

Prejudicial Police Department?

A lawsuit from the parents of a murdered University of Utah student alleges that the institution's police force was biased by not taking action after their daughter reported continual stalking and abuse by her ex-boyfriend.

More Latinx Students, Stagnant Latinx Presidents

Despite increasing growth of the Latinx student demographic, the number of Latinx presidents has stayed roughly the same for decades -- something many administrators hope can be addressed.

Removing the Barriers

A University of Maryland student has drafted a report showing how the state's flagship institution isn't accessible for students with physical disabilities.

A Racist ‘Biology Lesson’

Calls for expulsion for a Texas A&M student who used racial slurs in a video gone viral on campus -- only the latest incident to be caught on social media.

A Question of Authority

A federal judge stopped UVA from having a hearing that may have resulted in a student not receiving his degree for an alleged rape. The court questioned whether the university had jurisdiction since it happened off campus and was against a nonstudent.

Slow Going on Faculty Diversity

Study finds colleges have made little progress on faculty diversity, particularly at research-intensive universities, despite more conversations about race and inclusion.