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Heavy-Handed or Spot On?

As U. of Colorado at Boulder acts against two philosophers, critics say university officials are sacrificing faculty rights in an attempt to appear tough on sexual harassment.

If You Are Gay

A gay faculty member writes about what it's like to be teaching at a Christian college at a time that many such institutions are seeking exemptions from anti-bias laws.

Productivity or Sexism?

Study raises questions about why women are less likely than men to earn tenure at research universities. Hint: It's not research output.

Still Exempt From Title IX

Congress gave the service academies a pass before they enrolled women. 35 years -- and numerous reports about sexual assault later -- why is exemption still there?

The Right to Expel

Many were surprised when a Christian college won exemption from Title IX so it could bar a transgender student from housing. Two more Christian colleges have now received exemptions -- giving them the right to subject transgender students to expulsion.

Gay Presidents Organize

As their numbers increase, they are stepping up efforts to further break a glass ceiling for LGBTQ academics.

Discrimination and Pluralism

The government should respect the right of religious institutions to discriminate against gay people, writes Julia K. Stronks. But religious institutions need to rethink their approaches to gay people as well.

New Politics of Partner Benefits

As more states recognize gay marriage, universities consider whether to keep policies created to help same-sex partners who couldn't marry. And in states that still don't recognize gay marriage, some public colleges are starting to offer new benefits.