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Hate Isn't a University Value

How should a queer junior professor react when a prominent trustee and donor makes jokes about gay people? Eric Joy Denise reflects. 

Philosophy of Sexism?

U. of Colorado releases extraordinary report about sex bias and incivility in department, and brings in outside chair to change the culture. Move comes in a discipline regularly criticized for lack of support for women.

Keeping Sexes Separate

If a student or group requests a gender-segregated setup for religious reasons, does the university have a responsibility to accommodate?

How to Get Women on Panels

Study finds significant impact of having a female voice on the committees that put together scientific symposiums.

Failing the Female Coaches?

New report aims to hold individual athletic programs accountable for failure to hire female coaches on women's teams.


Responding to Supreme Court ruling, the Education Department will begin recognizing same-sex couples for the purposes of distributing federal financial aid.

Recognizing Pregnancy Absences

A college in Missouri updates its absence policies to add pregnancy-related absences as excused in response to a student's federal complaint.

When Women Lean In, Men Grow Up

Janel Curry considers how increased gender balance in the administrative ranks affects all college officials -- and how some "team building" activities should be abandoned, just like male-only leadership teams.