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Are the Stars Sexist?

Elite male biologists are less likely than other male biology researchers to hire female grad students and postdocs for their labs, study finds.

Not So Equal at Home

Harvard faculty survey finds that institution has made significant progress in providing female professors with mentors. But when it comes to caring for children or the chores, gender gap is significant.

The Bias for White Men

Study finds faculty members more likely to respond to inquiries from prospective graduate students who are white males. Business faculty appear to favor white men most, humanities and arts professors the least.

Grating Expectations

A new study, based on interviews with 35 female college leaders, shows how women are discouraged but can encourage other women.

Right to Gender-Neutral Spaces

Graduate student workers in the U. California System say they've agreed on contract language establishing gender-neutral bathrooms and lactation stations as rights.

Questioned for Being Transgender?

Central Piedmont student says her rights were violated when security questioned her and escorted her off campus for using the women's bathroom.

Room to Grow

What do academic departments risk when they're not perceived as being "flexible" enough to accommodate work-family balance? A lot -- and not only parents feel the pinch, a new study suggests.

Slap on the Wrist?

Northwestern acknowledged a professor sexually harassed a student, but didn't fire him. Where is the line drawn?