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When a Joke Isn’t Funny

Online group of scholars of planning and geography divided over one professor’s sexist humor – and how others reacted to it.

Overrated Men

Do the biology students celebrated (perhaps undeservingly) for their intellect always seem to be male? A new study says the answer lies in gender bias.

'Sweater Day' Sexism

At Simon Fraser U, professors were stunned by video university posted on its website that suggested female faculty members could be viewed as sex objects -- in the name of saving energy.

No Big Deal

Gay and lesbian presidents report more acceptance than ever with the legalization of gay marriage.

Systemic Change Required

If you want to diversify your leadership to close the gender gap, it is not enough to establish goals and expectations, writes Jeremy Haefner. You must also put support systems into place.

Exempt and Secret

56 religious colleges have asked Education Department to let them discriminate on basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, and most requests have been approved. Should the exemptions be publicized?

Stricter Rules on Sexuality

As a few Christian colleges move to accept gay and lesbian employees, Biola U adds wording to its policies strengthening its opposition.

New Job, Old Habits

When professors leave one job due to sexual harassment allegations, they can land new jobs and repeat the behavior elsewhere, a recent case involving the University of Delaware and San Diego State University suggests.