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Honorary Degree Questioned

Students and gay rights groups object to University of Utah plans to award an honorary degree to philanthropist with ties to anti-LGBT organizations. And university didn't win over critics by scrubbing her bio.

When the Alleged Harasser Is the Dean

Wesleyan U professor's lawsuit alleges sexual harassment by a dean and a campaign of retaliation for reporting him.

Uninviting Rap

George Washington U students remove from spring concert lineup a performer whose lyrics many find to be sexist, ultraviolent and endorsing rape.

Saying No to Carolina

Academic Preservation Trust, weeks away from a meeting in North Carolina, opts to move event to Maryland, refusing to meet in state that has just passed an antigay, antitransgender law.

No More Men's or Women's Rooms

As North Carolina bars many transgender people from using facilities that reflect their identities, Cooper Union makes all bathrooms gender neutral.

Another Settlement With a Women's Coach

U of North Florida will pay $1.25 million to a former women's basketball coach who said the university discriminated against female athletes and coaches.

If Condoms Are Free, Why Aren't Tampons?

Students are demanding that colleges provide tampons and other menstruation products at no cost, and some institutions are starting to listen.

University Found Responsible for Bias on an Internship

Appeals court upholds verdict that Wayne State must pay $850,000 to former student whose pregnancy was subject of inappropriate criticism by supervisor.