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Legal Discrimination

Federal appeals court says former adjunct may not use Title VII, a federal antidiscrimination statute, to sue a college for bias based on her sexual orientation.

Separate but Equal in Physics Lab

Student sues U of Cincinnati after being told she can't have male partner in physics lab. Emails suggest multiple university officials defended the policy, but university now says it was not mandatory.

A Research Group of Their Own

Texas Tech and Indiana U at Bloomington have developed programs that encourage female faculty members to find more time to publish their research.

Gender Equity or Else

Ireland considers plan for financial punishments for universities that fail to meet specified targets.

Unintended Help for Male Professors

Colleges adopted policies to stop the tenure clock to help professors who are new parents, especially mothers. Study suggests fathers may be the real beneficiaries.

Diversifying the Presidency

The last five campus leaders picked at Cal State have been women, and recent hires have doubled the number of Asian-Americans who will be campus presidents.

An Issue Beyond Carolina

Colleges around the country are adding facilities and adopting policies designed to help transgender students.

U.S. Says Bathroom Law Violates Title IX

Justice Department tells U of North Carolina that it is violating federal law by enforcing state statute limiting bathrooms transgender people may use.