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More Aid for Student Parents

Congress triples federal funding for low-income student parents, and advocates welcome the support -- the first new investment in years -- but say much more is needed.

‘Gay on God’s Campus’

Author discusses his new book about gay students and LGBT activism at Christian colleges.

Punishing Women for Being Smart

Employers favor new college graduates with moderate academic success but not high achievement, study finds. New male graduates' grades don't seem to have much impact.

Same Course, Different Ratings

Study says students rate male instructors more highly than women even when they're teaching identical courses.

Graduation Speaker Switch Over Comments on Women

Daniel Handler, the children's author known as Lemony Snicket, will no longer speak at Wesleyan commencement, amid furor over his comments about women.

Forgiveness, Sin, Civility and Sexual Harassment

Sewanee rejects push to revoke honorary degree given to Charlie Rose. Students object not only to that decision but to letter from university leaders about forgiveness, sin and condemnation.

The Nexus of Autism and Title IX

Lee Burdette Williams highlights the collision of two trends on campuses: the increased awareness of Title IX and the growing number of students with autism.

When a Field's Reputation Precedes It

Study finds that a given discipline's perceived gender bias plays the biggest role in whether women choose to major in it.