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One Person as ‘Prosecutor, Judge and Jury’

Experts fear the worst with George Washington's new Title IX policies, in which a single investigator decides whether to move forward with a sexual assault case.

Sexual Assault Exams Right on Campus

University of Michigan gives students who say they've been assaulted a rape kit rather than sending them to the local hospital, which administrators say benefits survivors.

In Praise of Prickly Women

Despite the negative connotations they incite, they have exactly the kind of insight and persistence that higher ed needs today, argue M. Soledad Caballero and Aimee Knupsky.

Student Wants to 'End Affirmative Action for Women'

The Education Department's Office for Civil Rights will investigate an unusual Title IX complaint that Yale discriminates against men by having certain programs and scholarships for women.

Alumni Allege Rampant Sexual Harassment

Amid accusations that Columbia International University's president covered up inappropriate behavior by his son, alumni say they experienced unwanted touching from the former president.

Commencement Speech at Sweet Briar Leaves Many Alumnae Furious

Comments such as "it's only natural for men from Mars to follow the shortest skirt in the room" leave many in audience shocked that a graduation address at women's college would defend sexist and harassing behavior. And there was more.

Questions and Protests for Hampton’s 40-Year President

William Harvey can point to substantial growth in enrollment and finances, but celebrations of his successes come amid student complaints, financial concerns about one of his signature projects and questions about family members employed by the university.

Subtly Silencing a Sexual Assault Accuser?

A James Madison administrator told a student that talking with reporters about her case could violate university policies, a message that has been heavily criticized among civil liberties advocates.