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Gender Equity Targets Missed

Most Dutch universities are missing goals for hiring increased share of female faculty members.

Gender Trouble

A departmental committee told a professor he had to teach Judith Butler in his class in the name of gender balance. He refused. As for Butler, she doesn’t want her work forced on him.

The Missing Women

Study finds that men speak twice as often as women do at colloquiums, a difference that can't be explained away by rank, speaker pool composition or women's interest in giving talks.

Gender Gap in Academic Seminar Questions

Men are far more likely to ask, study finds.

Science Research Jobs, Open Only to Women

Max Planck is latest European institution to embrace hiring strategy that limits certain openings to female candidates.

Big Legal Win for Trans Academic

Federal jury awards $1.165 million, finding discrimination in tenure denial by Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

But Will Her Husband Move?

Study suggests women with male partners face bias in searches for junior faculty members.

A Late Condemnation of Homophobia

The president of Cleveland State University has been harshly criticized for defending free expression without speaking out against a flier that called for gay people to kill themselves.