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BDS and Campus Politics: A Bad Romance

People on campuses should strive to establish a new narrative that emphasizes democratic participation and civil rights, tolerance, and freedom of expression, argues Mark Yudof.

War on Christmas: The Prequel

Early campaigns to abolish the holiday form a largely forgotten chapter in American history, writes Scott McLemee.

Holiday Guidance Removed

U of Tennessee responds to intense criticism of its advice -- and of its diversity efforts.

War on Christmas? On Inclusivity?

U of Tennessee's advice on holiday parties sets off major political debate in the state, and criticism is spreading to other institutions. Some see a broader attack on diversity efforts.

To Avoid Split on Gay Marriage, 2 Colleges Quit Christian Group

Eastern Mennonite U and Goshen, which recently ended bans on gay faculty members, leave Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Had they stayed, others would have left the association.

Division in Christian Higher Ed

University quits Christian college group because it didn't kick out two members that have decided to permit the hiring of faculty members in same-sex marriages. Others may follow.

Forced to Choose

Bethel College tells faculty members they can't take leadership roles in groups that differ from church view on creation. Are Christian colleges cracking down on supporters of evolution?

Swastikas, Hate and Confusion

George Washington U is taking action against Jewish student who posted a symbol he brought back from India. Other campuses are accused of not doing enough about the hateful use of the image.