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UC Irvine moves to reject gifts for endowed chairs from group that has strong opinions -- too strong -- about the study of Hinduism and a desire to influence who would be hired.

The Intersectionality Muddle

As a rallying cry, intersectionality aims to resist the possibility that the structural relations between the forms of power and discrimination in different times and places might not be the same, argues Cary Nelson.

Wheaton Moves to Fire Hijab-Wearing Professor

Illinois college acts in response to her statements that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.

BDS and Campus Politics: A Bad Romance

People on campuses should strive to establish a new narrative that emphasizes democratic participation and civil rights, tolerance, and freedom of expression, argues Mark Yudof.

War on Christmas: The Prequel

Early campaigns to abolish the holiday form a largely forgotten chapter in American history, writes Scott McLemee.

Holiday Guidance Removed

U of Tennessee responds to intense criticism of its advice -- and of its diversity efforts.

War on Christmas? On Inclusivity?

U of Tennessee's advice on holiday parties sets off major political debate in the state, and criticism is spreading to other institutions. Some see a broader attack on diversity efforts.

To Avoid Split on Gay Marriage, 2 Colleges Quit Christian Group

Eastern Mennonite U and Goshen, which recently ended bans on gay faculty members, leave Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Had they stayed, others would have left the association.